Community Support
The Goulburn Soldiers Club holds a proud reputation of community support within a wide range of charitable, community and sporting associations.
At the Soldiers, we put our community first and are always looking for ways to help achieve a greater social well-being within our local community.
We are very proud to be able to financially and physically support our community to create bigger and better pathways for not-for-profit organisations, community groups, sports clubs and other valuable community initiatives.
ClubGRANTS Funding
In the September 2023 to August 2024 ClubGRANT Year, on behalf of our members, the Soldiers Club donated a total of $301,192.96 cash and in-kind donations to local charities, community and sporting groups.
The Goulburn Soldiers Club have proudly donated to $7,000 to the Right to Work organisation for modifications to different access
Points to their building and gardens, for wheelchair access throughout the property.
This involved the replacement of a timber ramp to the front veranda, two new ramps for wheelchair access to the front door (enabling emergency access/egress as required), concrete paths in the backyard, a new fence and gate to the side of the building, landscaping the back yard with concrete paths, raised garden beds, sensory plants, a water feature and artworks.
These modifications support all of the program learners at the Right to Work organisation, but specifically those in wheelchairs.
Previously, the backyard was fully grassed and would have been inaccessible for wheelchair users.
Meet Alice
Goulburn High School and the Goulburn Soldiers Club have been working hand in hand to bring to life the concept of therapy dogs in special education units in regional areas.
Alice is the first step to help this initiative grow and develop and be the beginning of something great in both an educational setting and aged care facilities in the future.
Alice is a chocolate brown Tamaruke who is working in the special education unit (support unit) at Goulburn High School, with an overall purpose to react and respond to a number of different intellectual and behavioural needs, to create a positive and safe environment for the students and to enhance positive relationships amongst the peers and the staff.
The Goulburn Soldiers have provided our support via contributing the sum of five thousand dollars for all of Alice’s training session, a strong presence in her training and development so far and continuing this into the future, cross-promoting via the use of social media platforms, local newspapers and in-house club advertising (posters, monthly magazines, club meet and greets with Alice in Tabatinga).